List my property for rent in London
Let zoo is an online resource for both landlords who wish to list their properties in London, and tenants who wish to rent property in London. We have found that allowing landlords to advertise and list property details for free we have generated a large number of signups from tenants who are looking for private landlords like you.
Letzoo is a website for landlords to advertise and list their properties for let in and around London
Signing up for Letzoo is quick and easy, just follow the link to the register page, add a few details, and your own admin area will be automatically created.
Below is an graphic to show you what will see once you have registered and activated your account.

Quickly add and edit properties

Properties automatically fed to the main property portals
Landlords advertise properties for free, regardless of the number of properties
We only ask that you be a private landlord and not charging admin fees.